University of Piraeus
Department of Industrial
Management & Technology
University of Piraeus

Message from the Department Chair

Dear Students,

We welcome you to the Department of Industrial Management & Technology (DIMT) and congratulate you on your success. Our Department began its operation in 1991. It is the genuine successor of the “School of Industrial Studies” that was founded back in 1938, evolved to the “Higher Industrial School of Piraeus” in 1958, and was finally renamed as the “University of Piraeus” in 1989.

The DIMT is a dynamic, evolving cell of the University of Piraeus, with goals, vision and a promising future. Its distinctive advantage – and at the same time its added value – is that it combines management science with the technological component in the field of industrial enterprise, thus differentiating it from general business administration studies. Let’s try to understand what this actually means.

Every day we all use products and goods that have been produced through industrial processes and procedures. But what does industrial production involve? Questions like how a product is designed, how do we choose the materials to use, what equipment to choose and how to put it into operation, how to plan our production using available resources in an optimal manner, how to manage our supplies and how we organize our distributions, how we set our strategy in the face of competition, how we manage and motivate our executives, how we leverage our information and how we analyze our business data, how we manage energy and environmental challenges, how we make business decisions under uncertainty, how we set up reliable and quality production units, etc., are required on a daily basis in an industrial enterprise so that we can enjoy various innovative and sustainable products.

In your undergraduate studies at DIMT you will have the opportunity to learn and practice the methods that provide us with answers to these (and many more) questions and use modern software tools to support your decisions, implement strategies and solve problems that require knowledge and skills in the contemporary, technologically advanced industry. But above all, you will develop a broad and critical way of thinking and discover the challenges and the fascination of combining technological and managerial knowledge, which shape both the modern scientist and the successful business executive.

Our Department, as well as our University in general, will be by your side at every step of this path, providing you with knowledge and opportunities and opening windows for you to discover attractive areas of interest.

From your side, you should be consistent, operate with academic principles, make every day count and always evolve.

I wish you all have a creative academic year!

Professor Dimitrios Emiris

Department Chair

About the Department

Τhe Department of Industrial Management & Technology aims to educate and develop executives in the production management science, focusing on the applications of new technologies in production systems. The aim of the Department, with its modern curriculum, is to provide students with the knowledge of the scientific methodology required for the analysis, design, implementation and organization of appropriate systems, in order to effectively address the complex problems that arise in the production process from the interdependence of human factor, raw materials, means of production and modern technology.

To this end, the program includes infrastructure courses that refer to the core modules of Physics, Mathematics and Socio-Economic Sciences, as well as courses geared to the main subjects of specialization, ensuring basic practice and means for studying phenomena, systems and technology faced by modern production. It also introduces the additional and important dimension of human factor, its activities, its behavior and its creativity. The program of the Department is aimed at students who wish to become executives of private and public productive units and enterprises active in the production and service sectors.

The Department of Industrial Management and Technology is committed to the quality of its educational and research work. The Department’s undergraduate program is among the first that have been accredited by the Hellenic Quality Assurance and Accreditation Agency (HQA, currently National Authority for Higher Education) at the University of Piraeus, achieving full compliance with HQA Quality Standards for Undergraduate Degrees and the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG). The Department eagerly engaged in the accreditation process, which was successfully completed on 25/11/2019.





Laboratory of Advanced Manufacturing Technologies & Testing

Τhe Laboratory of Advanced Manufacturing Technologies & Testing (LAM@T) is a chapter of the Industrial Management & Technology Department, focusing on the areas of Industrial & Energy Systems, Advanced Manufacturing Technologies and Product Design & Development. Within the scope of the Laboratory is the advancement and dissemination of knowledge in the above fields, as well as the provision of expert advice & assistance to the Greek Industry.

Laboratory of Simulation of Industrial Processes

The Laboratory of Simulation of Industrial Processes covers and supports the educational activities and needs of the Department and research activity in industrial processes and management of natural resources as well as in the design of chemical technology and biotechnology products. The Laboratory also supports activities linking the educational/research work with applications of interest to industrial units and other public and private sector production or service providers.

Laboratory of Production Management Information Systems

The Laboratory of Production Management Information Systems (PMIS) provides students with the necessary IT equipment and software for their studies. Moreover, it enables teaching and research in the areas of design and development of IT applications (multimedia, Internet, Databases), simulation of production and distribution systems, and ergonomics.

Laboratory of Technoeconomics of Energy Systems

The Laboratory of Technoeconomics of Energy Systems serves educational needs and conducts fundamental and applied research in the areas of technoeconomic analysis of energy systems, energy and environment management, energy planning and energy and climate policy. The laboratory also participates in national, European and international research competitions and develops strong links with Greek and foreign universities and research centers, as well as with important Greek and foreign industrial players.

Laboratory of Innovative and Sustainable Supply Chain Management

The Laboratory for Innovative and Sustainable Supply Chain Management has the mission to support all stakeholders in improving supply chain operations through basic, applied and innovative research and teaching aimed at promoting innovation taking into account sustainability. The main objective is to solve problems related to sustainability and to improve innovation management know-how in supply chains.

Management and Economics of Industry Laboratory

The mission of the Management and Economics of Industry Laboratory is to conduct basic and applied research in the scientific fields of Management and Economics of industry. The main objective is to participate and coordinate a series of research and consulting projects for national, European and international organizations and to develop close ties and partnerships with Universities and research centers in Greece and abroad, as well as with important international business entities.

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