Presentation on contemporary challenges and opportunities in Inventory and Warehouse Management by KAFKAS
On Friday, January 10, in the context of the course “Inventory Management” (Master of Science in Industrial Management & Technology) of Assoc. Prof. N. Rachaniotis, Director of the Laboratory of [...]
Presentation on contemporary challenges and opportunities in Inventory and Warehouse Management by KAFKAS
On Friday, January 10, in the context of the course “Inventory Management” (Master of Science in Industrial Management & Technology) of Assoc. Prof. N. Rachaniotis, Director of the Laboratory of Innovative and Sustainable Supply Chain Management, we had the great pleasure of hosting the distinguished executives of KAFKAS SA, Mr. K. Mamatzakis, Supply Chain Systems Manager, Mr. E. Kourmoulis, HR Business Partner & Talent Acquisition Supervisor, and Mr. I. Voukouvalidis, who shared with us valuable knowledge and experiences.
Inauguration of Graduates of the Department of Industrial Management and Technology (December 2024)
On Tuesday 10/12/2024, the Inauguration of Graduates of the Department of Industrial Management and Technology took place at the Themistokleion Campus of the University of Piraeus. We wish our Graduates a Successful Career!
Presentation of the Department to High School students from Nea Ekpaideftiria G. Malliaras and the Greek-French School of Ursulines
On December 4, 2024, Prof. Konstantinos Kostopoulos presented the modern undergraduate program of the Department of Industrial Management and Technology to high school students who visited the University of Piraeus from Nea Ekpaideftiria G. Malliaras and the Greek-French School of Ursulines.
Cooperation agreement between the University of Piraeus and IPMA Greece as a result of the actions of the Department’s actions
At the Department of Industrial Management & Technology, we continue to cultivate and expand the field of Project Management through cooperation agreements between scientific and professional bodies and our academic programs.
DIMT at the 1st Industry Summit of the Real Group
Our Department participated in the Conference "Greek Industry: The Present and the Future. The New Production Model and the Opportunity for Sustainable Development", organized by the Real Group on Wednesday, November 27, 2024 at the Grand Hyatt Hotel in Athens.
Cooperation agreement between the University of Piraeus and PMI Greece as a result of the Department’s actions
At the Department of Industrial Management & Technology, we remain committed to the cultivation and promotion of Project Management and we implement the goal of linking scientific and professional bodies with our academic programs.
Joint event of the Department with Eurobank – Design Thinking & Customer Journeys
On Tuesday, November 5, 2024, from 18.00-20.30, the Department of Industrial Management and Technology organized an introduction event with Eurobank for undergraduate and postgraduate students.
DIMT at the 25th Panhellenic Supply Chain Conference
Students of the Department's undergraduate program, together with Associate Professor Nikolaos Rachaniotis, Director of the Laboratory of Innovative and Sustainable Supply Chain Management, attended the 25th Panhellenic Supply Chain Conference of the Hellenic Logistics Society, which took place at the Mpenaki Museum on November 1-2, 2024.
Lecture by the distinguished Professor Cristobal Miralles Insa
On Monday 14/10/2024, the Department of Industrial Management and Technology and the Laboratory of Innovative and Sustainable Supply Chain Management organized a lecture by the distinguished Professor Cristobal Miralles Insa, from the School of Industrial Engineering (Escuela Tec. Superior de Ingeniería Industrial) of the Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV).
Welcome and orientation event for first-year students 2024-25
On 13/10/2023, a welcome event took place for the first-year students of the Department of Industrial Management and Technology of the academic year 2024-25 [link]. In the context of this event, representing the Rector of the University of Piraeus, the Vice-Rector of Finance, Planning and Development, Prof. S. Sofianopoulou, the Dean of the School of Shipping and Industry, Prof. A. Pantouvakis and the President of the Department, Prof. D. Emiris addressed a greeting.
Educational Visit of 8th Semester Students in the metal products production industry ZOGOMETAL
On 11/6/2024 and in the context of the 8th semester course "Computer-aided Product Manufacturing", a group of undergraduate students had the opportunity to visit and take a tour of the facilities of the ZOGOMETAL metal goods manufacturing industry in Koropi Attica.
Business Day at L’Oreal’s Distribution Center
In the context of the "Strategic Management" undergraduate course, a business day was organized on May 28, 2024 at the distribution center of L'Oreal.
Workshop on Risk and Knowledge Management in Energy Projects
On May 27, a workshop was organized on "Risk and Knowledge Management in Energy Projects". The workshop was held in the Central Building of the University of Piraeus. It was held within the framework of the courses "Environmental Standards and Certifications" and "Quality and Risk Management in Projects" of the MSc in Industrial Management and Technology.
Training Postgraduate Students of the Medical School of the University of Athens in Modern Manufacturing Technologies
On 20/4, 18/5 and 25/5 students of the Postgraduate Program "Applied Biomechanics & Biomaterials in Orthopaedics" of the University of Athens Medical School were hosted at the laboratory facilities of the Department of Industrial Management & Technology.
Inauguration of Graduates of the MSc in Industrial Management and Technology in the Piraeus Chamber of Commerce and Industry (May 2024)
On May 15, 2024, the Inauguration of Graduates of the MSc in Industrial Management and Technology took place at the Piraeus Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
Accomplishments of our Students at the 1st Panhellenic Project Management Championship
On Saturday 20/4/2024, the 1st Panhellenic Project Management Championship was held by IPMA Young Crew Greece. The winner of this competition will represent Greece in the corresponding international competition that will be held in June 2024 in Italy. The winning team was made up of our Department’s postgraduate students specializing in Project Management, while a group of undergraduate students from our Department took second place.
1st BDT Student Conference
The 1st Student Conference of the Department of Industrial Management and Technology was completed with great success! On April 10, the University of Piraeus was filled with the energy and talent of students who attended interactive company and alumni panels, thesis presentations and skill-building workshops. We sincerely thank all conference speakers and congratulate the ESTIEM LG Piraeus volunteer team and the entire organizing team. We look forward to seeing you all at the next BDT Student Conference!
Presentation of the Department to high school students
As part of the effort of the Department of Industrial Management and Technology to communicate with high school students, in order to support their professional orientation and present to them its modern curriculum and the perspectives that open up with studies at the Department, presentations were organized for students of Lyceums of Piraeus, Athens, Alimos, Dafni and Cholargos.
Presentation of the Department at the Lyceum of Palladio Schools
On April 3, 2024, Professor Christina Siontorou presented the modern curriculum of the Department of Industrial Management and Technology to students of First and Second Grade of the Lyceum of the Palladio Schools.
Participation of the Department in the conference “Infrastructure and Networks: The Greek Reality. Modernization, Resilience and Sustainable Development”
On Tuesday, April 2, 2024, a Conference on "Infrastructure and Networks: The Greek Reality" was organized with great success at the Athens Marriott Hotel. Modernization, Resilience and Sustainable Development". Our Department, invited to the conference, was represented by a group of undergraduate and postgraduate students, accompanied by the Department Chair, Prof. D. Emiris, Assoc. Prof. N. Rachaniotis, and Asst. Prof. N. Chatzidai.
Presentation of the Department at the Lyceum of the Ionideios School of Piraeus
On April 1, 2024, Professor Grigoris Chondrokoukis and Asst. Professor Pavlos Eirinakis presented the modern curriculum of the Department of Industrial Management and Technology to students of t the First and Second Grade of the Lyceum of the Ionideio School of Piraeus.
Presentation of the Department at the Erasmios Hellenic German School
On February 20, 2024, Professor Konstantinos Kostopoulos presented the undergraduate and postgraduate program of the Department in the career days of the Erasmios Hellenic German School.
Inauguration of Graduates of the Department of Industrial Management and Technology (January 2024)
On Monday 29/1/2024, the Inauguration of Graduates of the Department of Industrial Management and Technology took place at the Themistokleion Campus of the University of Piraeus.
Presentation by Dr. D. Vassilakis, Planning & Analysis Supervisor at Thenamaris Ships Management, on the implementation of digital transformation projects in shipping
In the context of the course "Project Management in Practice", of the 3rd Semester of the Master's Program in Industrial Management and Technology specializing in Project Management, on Wednesday 10/1/2024 a presentation was held by Dr. Dimitris Vasilakis, Planning & Analysis Supervisor at Thenamaris Ship Management.
Presentation by Mr. S. Sarandis as part of the course “Project Management in Practice”, on planning, executing and monitoring SAP projects
In the context of the course “Project Management in Practice” of the 3rd Semester of the MSc in Industrial Management and Technology specializing in Project Management, on Wednesday 20/12/2023 a presentation was held by Mr. Stelios Sarandis, SAP Logistics Consultant.
Presentation by Mr. M. Paraskevas, graduate of our MSc, as part of the course “Project Management in Practice”, on procurement and contract management for the implementation of large and complex infrastructure projects
In the context of the course “Project Management in Practice” of the 3rd Semester of the MSc in Industrial Management and Technology specializing in Project Management, on Wednesday 13/12/2023 a presentation was held by Mr. Michail Paraskevas, a graduate of the Program.
Visit of undergraduate and postgraduate students to the emblematic reconstruction project of the Piraeus Tower
On 7/12/2023, undergraduate and graduate students of the Department had the opportunity to tour the premises of one of the most emblematic projects currently underway in the city, the reconstruction of the Piraeus Tower.
Presentation by Mr. Th. Koutsopoulos, graduate of our MSc and R&D Manager of SoftOne, as part of the course “Project Management in Practice”
In the context of the course "Project Management in Practice" of the 3rd Semester of the Master's Program in Industrial Management and Technology specializing in Project Management, on Wednesday 6/12/2023 a presentation was held by Mr. Athanasios Koutsopoulos, R&D Manager of SoftOne.
Presentation of the Laboratory of Innovative and Sustainable Supply Chain Management
The Department of Industrial Management and Technology of the University of Piraeus organized on DECEMBER 4, 2023 in the Conference Hall of the University of Piraeus a presentation day of the Laboratory of INNOVATIVE AND SUSTAINABLE SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT. The Rector of the University of Piraeus, Professor M. Sfakianakis, the Dean of the School of Shipping and Industry, Professor Mr. A. Pantouvakis, and the Deputy President of the Department, Professor Mr. A. Flamos, addressed a greeting.
Conference on Energy Transition, Circular Economy and Geopolitical Dynamics in Energy Transmission
On Thursday 30/11, a conference on “Energy Transition, Circular Economy and Geopolitical Dynamics in Energy Transmission” took place at the Conference Room of the University of Piraeus. The conference was organized as part of the Climate Change & Sustainability course of the Graduate Program in Industrial Management and Technology and was open to undergraduate and graduate students of the Department.
Participation in the 2nd conference on “Piraeus Business: Blue Economy”
On November 27, 2023, the 2nd "PIRAEUS BUSINESS: Blue Economy" conference took place in the conference hall of the University of Piraeus. The conference was organized by the Municipality of Piraeus, the Center for the Promotion of Young Enterprises of the Municipality of Piraeus and the Knowledge and Innovation Community for the Blue Economy of the Municipality of Piraeus.
“Next Generation Project Management” Conference of IPMA Greece with the support of the Department of Industrial Management and Technology
On 30/10/23, the "Next Generation Project Management" Conference was organized by the Hellenic Branch of the International Project Management Association (IPMA Greece). The conference was hosted at the University of Piraeus and was held with the support of the Department of Industrial Management & Technology.
Welcome event for first-year students 2023-24
On 13/10/2023, a welcome event took place for the first-year students of the Department of Industrial Management and Technology of the academic year 2023-24.
Business day in Unilever
On Wednesday, May 24, 2023, as part of the "Strategic Management" course of the 8th semester of studies, the Department visited the Unilever headquarters.
Presentation by the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Hellenic Logistics Society (EEL), Dr. Vassilis Zeimpekis, on “The logistics sector in Greece: Mapping the current situation and market trends”
On January 13, 2023, the Department of Industrial Management and Technology and the Postgraduate Program in Industrial Management and Technology organized a presentation by Dr. Vassilis Zeimpekis, Assistant Professor at the Department of Economics & Management Engineering of the University of the Aegean and Chairman of the Board of the Hellenic Logistics Society (EEL).
Participation in a hybrid conference on “Piraeus Business”
On December 14-15, 2022, a two-day conference was held in the Event Hall of Piraeus Port Authority, organized by the Municipality of Piraeus with three of its actions: the Entrepreneurship Support Center, the Center for the Promotion of Young Enterprises and the Knowledge & Economy Community for the Blue Economy of the Municipality of Piraeus & of the University of Piraeus.
Presentation of the Department at “Career Day” of Arsakeion – Tositseion Lyceums of Ekali
On December 7, 2022, the Department of Industrial Management and Technology participated in "Career Day" of the Arsakeion-Tositseion Lyceums of Ekali.
Participation in a hybrid conference on “Supply Chain Digitization”
On Wednesday, November 30, 2022, a hybridconferencewas held at thePiraeus Chamber of Commerce and Industry by the Knowledge and InnovationCommunity for the Blue Economy of the Municipality of Piraeus on the topic of"Supply Chain Digitization".
Visit of the 4th semester class to the exhibition “Climate Change and Us”
Students of the 4th semester of the Department visited the "Climate Change and Us" exhibition at the Goulandris Museum on 6/17/2022.
Participation of Department students in the Piraeus Blue Hackathon Day
Students of the Department participated in the "Piraeus Blue Hackathon Day" competition held on June 1, 2022 at the University of Piraeus. The competition was organized by the Municipality of Piraeus in collaboration with the University of Piraeus and the Center for Promotion of Young Enterprises of the Municipality of Piraeus.
Participation in the 6th Maritime Shipping Conference
The 6th Shipping Conference of the Shipping Industry was held on Tuesday, May 24, 2022 at the Athens Concert Hall, offering a public debate, in which representatives of all sectors of the shipping community participated, submitting opinions and proposals in the post-pandemic era.
Speech by Mr. Dimitris Konstantinou, Strategy Associate Manager, Mastercard, in our Department
As part of the "Business Strategy" course of the 8th semester of studies, on Wednesday, May 4, 2022, a presentation was held by Mr. Dimitris Konstantinou, Strategy Associate Manager, Mastercard, where the role of consulting services in modern organizations was discussed as well as the importance of studies case studies as a tool for employee evaluation and selection. Students had the opportunity to participate in an experiential problem-solving workshop in a real business case study.
Declaration of Mr. Yiannis Hatzitheodosiou as an Honorary Doctor of the Department of Industrial Management & Technology
The highest honor awarded by the University of Piraeus, the declaration of an Honorary Doctorate, was received by Yannis Hatzitheodosiou in a ceremony held on April 14, 2022 at the Municipal Theater of Piraeus. In particular, the president of the Athens Chamber of Commerce and president and CEO of MEGA BROKERS, was awarded an Honorary Doctorate of the Department of Industrial Management & Technology of the School of Shipping and Industry of the University of Piraeus.
Lectures by distinguished academics and business executives in the 8th semester class
In the context of the Department's effort to link the Undergraduate Study Program with practice and Greek businesses, the compulsory seminar course "Modern Topics of Industrial Management & Technology" was established in the 8th semester. The presentations that were made cover a wide range of modern (industrial) business focusing on issues from the area of Logistics, Energy, Transport and Quality Management.
Presentation of PepsiCo executives to our Department
On Monday, May 24, as part of the "Business Strategy" course of the 8th semester, a webinar was held by PepsiCo executives regarding the planning and implementation of strategic goals in large organizations as well as the ways to attract and develop new executives especially in the supply chain sector.
Presentation of Mr. Andronikos Kaliris, Career Counselor at the Liaison Office of the University of Piraeus, in our Department
As part of the "Business Strategy" course of the 8th semester of studies, on Tuesday, April 20, a presentation and workshop on CV preparation, interview and career management was held by Mr. Andronikos Kaliris, Career Advisor at the Liaison Office of the University of Piraeus. The students had the opportunity to discuss best practices of exposure and promotion in the labor market, as well as to consider ways of exploiting professional opportunities during the time of the pandemic.
Speech by Mr. Vassilis Ioannidis, HR Partner SEE, Elais Unilever Hellas, in our Department
In the context of the "Business Strategy" course of the 8th semester, on Monday, April 12, a speech was given by Mr. Vasilis Ioannidis, HR Partner SEE, Elais Unilever Hellas, where the challenges faced by businesses and workers in the time of the pandemic as well as the future of work in the 4th Industrial Revolution.
Web conference “DIMT Today” – Initiative of the student organization ESTIEM LG Piraeus
More than 90 students and graduates of the Department of Industrial Management and Technology attended the online meeting "BDT Today". Attendees were introduced to the context of the supply chain during a pandemic and learned about the numerous vocational rehabilitation opportunities provided by the Department. In addition, they were given the opportunity to chat with successful graduates and resolve their queries regarding careers after University.
Speech by Ms. Stella Rousogiannaki, Senior Brand Manager, Procter & Gamble (P&G)
As part of the "Marketing" course of the 7th semester, on Wednesday, December 9, Ms. Stella Rousogiannaki, Senior Brand Manager, Procter & Gamble (P&G), presented to the students two case studies (one successful and one failed). The two examples showed the practical application of the principles and tools of Marketing related to the pricing & promotion of products, which we have mentioned in detail during the lectures.
Student Union ESTIEM Local Group Piraeus
ESTIEM Local Group Piraeus is the affiliate of the international organization ESTIEM for the University of Piraeus - a non-profit organization whose members consist of students and graduates of Industrial Administration & Technology. The actions and programs offered by ESTIEM support the creation of relationships and networks between students / graduates and companies / organizations as well as the cultivation of skills such as leadership, language learning and teamwork.
Participation in the online discussion on “Technology at the service of Certification in the post-COVID-19 era” held at the initiative of TÜV HELLAS (TÜV NORD)
The President and Director of the Laboratory of Modern Production & Control Technologies of the Department of Industrial Management & Technology, Professor Vassilis Dedousis participated in an online discussion on "Technology at the service of Certification in the post-COVID-19 era" organized by TÜV HELLAS (TÜV NORD ) on Thursday, May 7, 2020.
Webinar on “supply chain in epidemic conditions”
Ο Επίκ. Καθηγητής Νικόλαος Ραχανιώτης πραγματοποίησε webinar με θέμα την “εφοδιαστική αλυσίδα σε συνθήκες επιδημίας“, στα πλαίσια του ΠΜΣ «Παγκόσμιες Προκλήσεις και Συστήματα Αναλύσεων» του Πανεπιστημίου Πελοποννήσου.
Speech by Mr. Christos Gavalekas, HR Services Manager of Unilever, in our Department
On Thursday 5/12/2019, within the 3rd semester course "Industrial Business Management", Mr. Christos Gavalekas, HR Services Manager of Unilever for Southeast Europe, visited our department and to discuss best practices in human resource management and supply chain management.
Visit of executives of Coca Cola HBC in our Department
On Wednesday 20/11/2019, within the 5th semester course "Planning and Control and Production", executives of Coca Cola HBC visited our department and presented to our students various functions of Coca Cola HBC.
Participation in workshop for the Business Innovation Center for Blue Growth (Blue Lab) of the Municipality of Piraeus
On Wednesday 9 October 2019, a special informative workshop was held in the Piraeus Chamber of Commerce and Industry of on the Business Innovation Center for Blue Growth (Blue Lab) of the Municipality of Piraeus.
Research Seminar – “Humanitarian Supply Chain – the way forward”
On 31/5/2019 a research seminar was held on "Humanitarian Supply Chain - the way forward". Speakers were Professors Luk Van Wassenhove (INSEAD) and Maria Besiou (Kühne Logistics University).
Visit to Coca-Cola HBC’s production site in Schimatari
Within the course "Production Systems Design", a visit was made to the production facility of Coca-Cola Hellenic in Schimatari.
Laboratory of Advanced Manufacturing Technologies & Testing
Τhe Laboratory of Advanced Manufacturing Technologies & Testing (LAM@T) is a chapter of the Industrial Management & Technology Department, focusing on the areas of Industrial & Energy Systems, Advanced Manufacturing Technologies and Product Design & Development. Within the scope of the Laboratory is the advancement and dissemination of knowledge in the above fields, as well as the provision of expert advice & assistance to the Greek Industry.
Laboratory of Simulation of Industrial Processes
The Laboratory of Simulation of Industrial Processes covers and supports the educational activities and needs of the Department and research activity in industrial processes and management of natural resources as well as in the design of chemical technology and biotechnology products. The Laboratory also supports activities linking the educational/research work with applications of interest to industrial units and other public and private sector production or service providers.
Laboratory of Production Management Information Systems
The Laboratory of Production Management Information Systems (PMIS) provides students with the necessary IT equipment and software for their studies. Moreover, it enables teaching and research in the areas of design and development of IT applications (multimedia, Internet, Databases), simulation of production and distribution systems, and ergonomics.
Laboratory of Technoeconomics of Energy Systems
The Laboratory of Technoeconomics of Energy Systems serves educational needs and conducts fundamental and applied research in the areas of technoeconomic analysis of energy systems, energy and environment management, energy planning and energy and climate policy. The laboratory also participates in national, European and international research competitions and develops strong links with Greek and foreign universities and research centers, as well as with important Greek and foreign industrial players.
Laboratory of Innovative and Sustainable Supply Chain Management
The Laboratory for Innovative and Sustainable Supply Chain Management has the mission to support all stakeholders in improving supply chain operations through basic, applied and innovative research and teaching aimed at promoting innovation taking into account sustainability. The main objective is to solve problems related to sustainability and to improve innovation management know-how in supply chains.
Management and Economics of Industry Laboratory
The mission of the Management and Economics of Industry Laboratory is to conduct basic and applied research in the scientific fields of Management and Economics of industry. The main objective is to participate and coordinate a series of research and consulting projects for national, European and international organizations and to develop close ties and partnerships with Universities and research centers in Greece and abroad, as well as with important international business entities.