The Department of Industrial Management and Technology conducts interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary research of high quality and level in cutting-edge research areas with the active participation of all its members.

The faculty members of the Department are employed in European and National research programs involving many research teams from Greece and/or abroad. This ensures interdisciplinarity, while collaborating with different institutions and scientists.


The research policy of the Department is related to its objectives and is determined by the research activity of its faculty members. For this purpose, four research laboratories of the Department have been set up and operate, which, along with the educational activity, also host basic and applied research activities.

The main axes of research activity include: (a) the promotion of modern scientific and technological trends, (b) interdisciplinarity and cooperation with other research bodies, (c) better education of undergraduate and postgraduate students and (d) the link with industry and the business environment.


The activities of faculty members of the Department cover a relatively wide range of research areas such as:

  • Techniques of industrial systems, including computational techniques and rapid product development methods
  • Robotic production systems and automatic control
  • Mathematical programming in production
  • Material technology – industrial applications, design and development of new products
  • Advanced manufacturing technologies and design and production systems with PCs
  • Design of chemical technology and biotechnology products
  • Industrial processes and management of natural resources
  • Information technology, information systems and mild computing techniques
  • Product handling and distribution systems and procurement administration
  • Techno-economics of energy systems
  • Corporate strategy
  • Financial management


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