Siontorou ChristinaProfessor


    Address: Main Bldg,
    80 Karaoli & Dimitriou Str.,
    Piraeus, 185 34
    office 311, 3rd floor
    Phone: +30 210 414-2453
    E-mail: csiontor(-at-)unipi(-dot-)gr
    Office hours: In person: Monday & Tuesday 9:00-14:00
    Online: by arrangement


    1993: BSc (Hons) Biomedical Sciences, University of Sunderland (UK)
    2000: PhD in Analytical ChemistryDepartment of Chemistry, University of Athens


    Christina Siontorou graduated from the Department of Biomedical Sciences of the University of Sunderland (UK) in 1993 and received her PhD from the Department of Chemistry of the University of Athens in 2000. From 1998 to 2003 she worked as a consultant for pharmaceutical companies, mainly on drug development, quality control and assurance, regulatory issues and management. In 2003, she joined the Department of Industrial Management and Technology, initially teaching as an adjunct lecturer and since 2008 as a faculty member. She also teaches in Hellenic Open University (since 2004), as a member of collaborating teaching staff, the unit of Total Quality Management and Environmental Management in the Business Administration Program of the School of Social Sciences. Her published work includes: (i) 69 publications in scientific journals; (ii) 45 publications in international conference proceedings; and (iii) chapters in 12 books by CRC Press, Kluwer, Springer and Wiley.


    Nanosensors, biomonitoring networks, multi-array sensors, biotechnology products, environmental management, knowledge management, technology roadmapping

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