Instructor:  (PD407/80)
Course Code: ΤΕΠΑΡ24
Semester: 8th elective (Spring)
Requirements: –
Language of Teaching: Greek
European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS): 5,5


The aim of the course is to familiarize students with the implementation and use of basic computational methods and tools for industrial management. The course focuses on specific optimization, simulation and forecasting methods along with the benefits of their integration. Specific focus is given on the implementation of such methods through learning the Python programming language. Python offers a plethora of implemented tools and libraries that can be used to build such methods. In the framework of this course students will familiarize with basic use of Python along with optimization (Pyomo), simulation (SimPy) and forecasting (scikit-learn) libraries that can be combined to solve complex problems.

Upon successful completion of the course, the students will be able to:

  • analyze an industrial case-study and choose the appropriate computational tools and methods.
  • design a computational method which combines optimization, simulation or forecasting techniques.
  • apply a computational method and use existing optimization, simulation and forecasting tools.
  • expand their ability to use Python and understand the basic programming principles along with Python’s sophisticated functions.

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