- Because it combines knowledge of industrial technology and industrial management, covering a wide range of cognitive domains while allowing students to explore their interests, develop skills and discover their inclinations.
- Because it provides a high level of education, putting emphasis on industrial applications through a modern curriculum that constantly adapts to the cognitive needs of the 4th Industrial Revolution (Industry 4.0).
- Because it strengthens the integration of the students into the labor market through visits to enterprises and industrial units, speeches by specialists, as well as through internships in industries and companies in Greece and abroad.
- Because it applies best educational practices based on modern educational toolkits based on computer tools, laboratory equipment and case studies on real-word situations in business and industry.
- Because it cultivates a sense of “belonging” to a dynamic team and an environment of cooperation between students and teachers through a variety of interactive educational activities.
- Because it supports the mobility of students and researchers through the ERASMUS+ program that is based on bilateral agreements with European Higher Education Institutions in countries such as Germany, Spain, Finland and others.
- Because it has state-of-the-art laboratory facilities that allow students and researchers to practice and conduct research.
- Because it provides high level post-graduate academic knowledge and training in the modern and applied fields of logistics, energy, environment, project management and product development.
- Because it fosters a modern, dynamic research environment that systematically produces high level research in various scientific fields, evident by publications in international scientific journals and the participation in international conferences, as well as through the funding of the conducted research by Hellenic and international research programs.
And also
- Because the undergraduate program of the Department is fully accredited by the Hellenic Quality Assurance and Accreditation Agency (currently National Authority for Higher Education), offering education of the highest standards and qualifications that are recognized internationally.